Monday, February 11, 2008

Well i was instructed to update my blog and it just so happens I have some time. So I don't know who, if any of you, have been following the new Ultimates 3 series by Jeph Loeb and Joe Mad, but I thought I'd take a second to talk about it. I've read the blogs and about 99% of people hate the writing, yeah i tend to agree, but I'll make a final judgment when it's all said and done. I really just want to say to all the ignorant comic book fans out there that hate Joe Mad's art, the man is a god! Yeah I don't agree with everything he's done, but this book is great, a perfect example of the utilization of traditional comics and new digital painting technology. Sorry if this sounds like a huge rant but it's been bothering me how everyone is getting down on the guy because he doesn't ink his stuff. Come on people figure out something else to complain about.


Erik Whalen said...

I agree with you 100% on everything you had to say on your rant. I liked the colors in #2 a lot more than #1, but his art is awesome esp. venom, & the writing is pretty sad, it's going down the all-star batman road of overhyped material, but I absolutely love the all-star goddamn batman.

Lauren said...

hey why don't you update your blog with art :)

Wayne Porter said...

you hit the nail right no the head! the art is stellar and the writing is sub par...enough said. hope all is going well this semester...wanna see some art too!